Rainbow Horses

Painted on a sheet of Arches 10 x 14 inch, 300lb watercolor pad using a variety of watercolors including:

Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Green, Hansa Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Winsor Violet, Indian Red, Pyroll Scarlet, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Phthalo Blue and Quinacridone Gold.

A sweatshirt with multicolored horses on the front was the inspiration behind this painting.

I created a rough draft on a smaller piece of watercolor paper, worked out the details and then created the larger version for the final painting.

I like the randomness of the watercolor runs on the first draft as much as I like the neater heart-shaped final version. Hard to say which one I like better.

Regardless, the heart-shaped version is sold and on it’s way to a new home!


African Skies


Halloween Cat