New Mexico

My husband I went to New Mexico last week.

Just being out west feels so right.

I absolutely love it.

My sketchbook went along for the trip, as well as a few Micron Archival pens, a 4b pencil, and my watercolor travel kit. Taking anything larger would not be needed on such a short visit.

I was all set.

Now I just needed to go exploring and find a few things to sketch.

Our first visit was to tour the Georgia O'keeffe Museum in Santa Fe. At times I was completely overwhelmed with emotion just being there.

Simply indescribable. I would love to return to visit her summer and winter homes. Next time!

On the way to Santa Fe, we stopped in a little artsy town; Madrid. I took a few photos there that I thought would be fun to sketch:

Next, I visited the Botanic Garden at Albuquerque Biopark. Oh, I spent hours walking there! The many exhibits, the Cottonwood Tree trail and finally finding the Rio Grande Heritage Farm were a few of the highlights of this grand day.

Being a farm child, this was by far, one of my favorites.

I sketched a few things that I saw there, but there was so much, I didn’t have time to sketch everything.

I sketched the For Winds sign outside our hotel window and made a mosaic sketch of the paintings that hung in our room. The video below shows them as well as an unfinished sketch of the table display at the La Fogata Grill in Santa Fee on October 16, 2022.


Till next time New Mexico!



Halloween Cat


Old Tree Ink & Colorwash