Kingfisher-A Stealthy Diver

Fish have no idea what just hit them when this bird is on the hunt. A majestic diver in action, check out the 26 second clip below.
26 second clip in slow motion kingfisher dive

My husband, snapped a few photos of a kingfisher recently and I decided to paint one. I looked at his and many other photos of kingfishers on Unsplash before starting my painting. I also found Kingfisher tips and styles from Louise De Masi's watercolor tips on painting the kingfisher

Painted on Arches 10 x 14 Watercolor pad using the following watercolors:

Burnt Sienna

Lamp Black

Pyrrole Orange

Mixture of Phthalo Blue and Phthalo Green to make the Turquoise color.

I used a straw to blow the watercolor across the paper to give the illusion of a splash. I used a regular sized straw but cut it in half. The closer to the paper, the better.

Lots of fun painting this one. Now, on to the next painting adventure!

Happy Birding!



Snow Leopard-Mother and Child


The Masked Bandit: Cedar Waxwing