Quarter Horse

The majestic beauty and strength of a golden quarter horse elicit images of the wild west. I painted this recently as a housewarming gift and have since received a request to paint a second one. I plan to work on the second painting this week.

I drew inspiration from Louise De Masi and took her advice on mixing paints to create the warm chocolate browns seen in the painting. To learn more, watch her YouTube video on mixing watercolor.


My painting is created using the following watercolors:

Hansa Yellow

Permanent Alizarin Crimson

Winsor Green

Burnt Sienna

Vandyke Brown

Painted on Arches 10 x 14 watercolor paper, 300 lb.

The reference photo used to create the painting can be found on Pixabay and was taken by photographer Susanne Edele. It is free to download from Pixabay.




Ghost Crab


Summer Beauty