
The birds line up on the fence every morning at my house, waiting for me to fill the feeders. Every once in awhile a woodpecker visits. He will hold onto the peanut feeder and work till he gets a peanut free. All the bluejays, the sparrows, the doves, titmouse, and the chickadees wait patiently on the fence till he/she gets her fill and leaves. No one messes with the woodpecker.

This fun fellow was painted using a photo from photographer Vincent Van Zalinge and can be found on Unsplash.

Painting guidance provided by Louise De Masi using the following colors: Burnt Sienna, French Ultramarine, Hansa Yellow and Scarlet Lake.

Progress Photos:

Happy Birding!

Now it is time to fill up the feeders.



Red Fox


Christmas Cats (cat in a hat)