Bob and Colorado Chelsea

Meet Bob, the friendly, energetic Australian Cattle Dog. (Blue Heeler) And what a face! His smile lights up my day every time I see it. He is the best friend of fellow blogger Colorado Chelsea. She has several fur babies, and the first one I wanted to try to paint was Bob.

Check out her blog here.

Her blog is chock full of Colorado hiking trail adventures. Her detailed maps and stunning photos of the views she encounters along the way have me yearning for a return visit to one of my favorite states.

Map and photo sample from one of her blog posts:

With her permission, I used her photo of Bob as my reference photo:

Painted on Arches 9 x 12 Cold Pressed Watercolor 300 lb pad using the following colors:


Burnt Umber

Yellow Ochre

Potters Pink

Payne's Gray

White Gouache

Bob smile makes me want a dog. Chelsea's blog makes me want a dog AND go hiking!

Happy trails,


Blog moving to squarespace soon. Same web address


Summer Beauty


Bluetick Coonhound