Watercolor Journal

A new project in the works. Plein Air painting has always intrigued me so I though a good way to start would be to buy a small sketchbook to carry with me on my travels. I found this Etchr sketchbook (supply list can be found below) via Emily Olson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ4IeCzHKKg and not only found the sketchbook but took her advice on painting the cover! It was a fun learning exercise but there are a few things I would do differently if I were to do it again. For one, I would not use Micron archival ink pens. It worked well until I put the clear topcoat on. The topcoat dissolved the ink and blurred in places. I also should have poured the top coat. I tried to spread it with an old paintbrush, mistake! That is what caused ink outlines to smear. So, in retrospect, I should have used watercolor pencils. I also started my sketch a little too low on the front, I would start sketching a bit higher on the book.

Progress photos:

Links to supplies:

For the cover sketch and painting, I chose a scene from Peter Sheeler's You Tube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDRu4dgyiyM. I added the birds, I thought the sky looked a bit empty. I enjoy Sheeler's style and have bought some of his work from Ebay. https://www.ebay.ca/sch/sheelerart/m.html?_

Watercolors used include: Yellow Ochre, Sepia, Burnt Sienna, Winsor Red, Davys Gray, Ultramarine Blue, Sap Green, Phthalo Blue, Fuchsia, and Lemon Yellow.

Looking forward to sketching in my little book soon. Now, where shall I go?


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On Paper


Purple Iris