Barn Owl Sketch and Watercolor

The barn owl, what a beautiful creature. My husband I took a trip to North Carolina a few years back. While we were there, we visited the Carolina Raptor Center. It is a visit that I will never forget. I had hoped to have gone back there by now, but this year has not been conducive to travelling. So, for now, I will paint an owl and hope to do its beauty justice.

I had forgotten about the owls until I saw a You Tube tutorial recently by Louise de Masi where she paints a barn owl for us. It is not a full on detailed tutorial with all the instructions like she does on Patreon or Skillshare, so I had to download my own photo and start from there. I watched her video as well as a video posted by Wildlife in Watercolor on YouTube. I will provide links to both of those at the end of this post for you. The photo was taken by John De Greef and is available for download on Wildlife Reference Photos for a small fee.

I have to say that I loved painting this one. For some reason, the one finished eye makes this one of my favorite progress photos. That eye! I think that is what draws me to watercolor painting: start with a blank piece of paper, start sketching, add paint and bit by bit, from a blank piece of paper an image starts to appear. I love it.

This one is painted on Arches Watercolor Cold Pressed Paper 140lb, 9 x 12 inches.

I can't wait to paint another bird, now which one will it be? hmmm. Back to Wildlife Reference photos to search up a study for my next painting adventure.

Happy Wednesday everyone!


Here are those links to the You Tube videos and the Reference Photo

Barn Owl in Watercolor- Louise De Masi

How to paint the eyes of a Barn Owl in watercolor

Wildlife Reference Photo


Gardening and Painting


Laundry Day on the Farm